Misspent Summers

Free Wallpaper: Analog MTB Zine

If you are a fan of Jon Gregory’s Analog MTB zine (if you aren’t, who are you?), you’ll love these free wallpapers for your desktop.

There are two versions: lighter and darker. Depending on how you like to set up your desktop, you might find one or the other most agreeable.

We’ll add some phone lockscreen options in the next few days, too. Then you can live the life in a not-100%-digital-free-but-free Analog world.

Analog MTB Zine wallpaper dark
Analog MTB Zine wallpaper dark

Analog Issue 3

If you haven’t already got a copy of Analog issue 3, head over to the official Analog page to download or order one.

Misspent Summers MTB books


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