Misspent Summers

Rage Against the Electric Machine: B&M

Two things happened yesterday. One was Specialized releasing a catastrophically expensive E bike, and the other was this video.

I’ll let you make your own mind up about which is more interesting, but flat out shredding and RATM make it an easy call for me. Add in a few Carlsbergs and you’ve got a contender for video of the year. 

I haven’t got much else to say about the video really. It was sick. 

However, I am going to hop on my high horse for a few moments.  I know the spot that this was all filmed at and last time I visited there was a huge amount of litter. This was a few months ago now so it could be all cleared up, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it won’t have been. On that note, Trash Free Trails have just launched their Spring Trail Clean. Let’s all take a leaf out of their book and pause our shredding for a minute to keep our trails clean.

This is by no means a dig at the video. I, along with most of you, probably wouldn’t be watching a litter picking video, even if it did have RATM as the soundtrack. More it’s a call to arms for mountain bikers all over to really start caring for the places we’re lucky enough to ride bikes in.


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