Misspent Summers

Loudenvielle EWS interviews 2022: Sven’s World

Sven Martin has been out photographing all the race action in Loudenvielle, France, at the Enduro World Series finals. He’s also been conducting interviews with the racers, to give us a bit more insight into how the weekend played out. 

We’ve enjoyed covering the World Cups and EWS races this year and hope you’ve enjoyed following some of the photo, video, zine, newsletter and audio stuff we’ve sent out from the races. We’ve kind of been experimenting with what works (what we like making and what you like reading) so that we can have a real stab at it in 2023. So any feedback is most welcome – it’ll help us make better stuff for real mountain bike fans like you and us. 

All interviews and photos by Sven Martin.

Check out all the results from Loudenvielle 2022 here.


Sven speaks to Morgane Charre about winning races on flat pedals

Eddie Masters talks about finishing his first EWS season with Sven Martin

Jesse Melamed talks to Sven about bike tweaks, his 2022 season and becoming Enduro World Series Champion

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