Misspent Summers

Vallnord World Cup interviews: Sven’s World 2022

THE place to find interviews and insight from the 2022 UCI Downhill World Cup in Vallnord, Andorra.

Photographer Sven Martin has been out on the hill all week in Vallnord snapping the sharpest shots and shooting the breeze with the world’s best downhill racers.

Sven’s interviews include insight from the likes of Amaury Pierron, Loic Bruni, Vali Höll, Loris Vergier and Aaron Gwin. Which is your favourite rider interview?

Check out the full race results from Vallnord here and stay tuned for a full Andorra photo gallery from Sven, Boris and Seb in the coming days.

Photo: Finn Iles by Sven Martin

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